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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Please see individual church websites in addition to this page.




February 2025


The next Messy Church is on Saturday 1st February and we are looking at the story of David & Goliath. Come along for some family fun as we make crafts, share the story and then eat together! 3-5pm at Cross House.











Book Sale

Saturday 8 February 10.00 - 12.30pm in St Michael's Kirk Hall. Books, CD's, jigsaws. Donations in aid of Aspire Linlithgow.



Occasionally @St Michael's

A series of recitals by local musicians.

Sunday 9 February 3pm in St Michael's (by the Palace). 

Sister/brother duo Gemma O’Keeffe (violin) and Donal McCrisken (piano) present a recital of Kreisler, de Falla, Chopin and Brahms to cheer a winter’s afternoon.

Entry by donation, towards upkeep of the organ. 


Quiz Night

​Come along for our next quiz night on 14 Feb at 7pm for a 7:30 start at Linlithgow Rose Club, Prestonfield Gardens.  Bring a team and test your wits. Entry £5 per person, payable on the night.


Coffee Morning

Saturday 15 February 10.00 - 12.00 in St Michael's Krk Hall. Adults £5, Child £2, in aid of Rotary Club, supporting youth and local community projects.


CONNECT WEST LOTHIAN YOUNG ADULTS: Connect looks to support the church by bringing young adults (18-30) from across West Lothian together for monthly worship & prayer nights, socials, and more, creating the opportunity to build a community that is based on the Gospel. They will be meeting in Low Port Centre on Thursday 20 Feb at 7:30pm. Come and join them.


Faith, Friends and Fizz

The next meeting of this group for women will take place on Thursday 27th February from 7.30-9.00 pm in the Adam Room, Cross House. We’re looking at 'The Bible Course' from The Bible Society, and this month begins at the very beginning. The course consists of videos and a chat, with a couple of readings in between meetings. It’s very accessible and we would be delighted to have you join us. Contact Agnes or Fiona on

for more information.


March 2025


World Day of Prayer Service

Everyone is welcome at the joint World Day of Prayer service on Friday 7 March at 7pm. Linlithgow and Avon Valley: St Michael’s is hosting the service this year, on behalf of Linlithgow Churches Together. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the church.

The service has been written by Christian women of The Cook Islands in the Pacific. The theme, “I Made You Wonderful” weaves together Psalm 139 with stories of three women from the Cook Islands to reveal that God knows us, is always with us and made us unique and special.












May 2025



Plans are underway for the next Ladies Retreat on Saturday 17 May 2025. Details will be available soon - put the date in your diary now. Organised by St John's Church. 

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St Michael's Parish church Toddler Group












Toddlers and jolly babies are on the look-out for some volunteers who would be able to help OCCASIONALLY. They have a great team but everyone needs a holiday now and then, so if you could lend a hand please get in touch with Fiona McCracken.  

Tasks include setting up and putting away toys and equipment; welcoming the families; making tea and coffee; simple crafts and chat! Full training is available and you only need to do what you can, when you can. There's a job for everyone, and they are a friendly bunch.  






Regular Events

The Revolution Has Started


Linlithgow Food Revolution, now open for business every Monday and Saturday from 10am-12:30pm in the Kirkgate Room of Cross House, St Michael's. 

Dawn, Sally and their colleagues from recovery charity 1st Step will be delighted to send you packing with supplies of excess stock, all of it still in date, from M&S, Sainsburys and Aldi. The table is laden and the freezers are full – and everything’s selling at rock-bottom prices, with proceeds going to 1st Step. Revolutionary or what?



Every Thursday  

St Michaels Parish Church Hall 

If you are at home with your wee ones why not come along instead of sitting in on your own.  If you're a Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandpa or babysitter just pop along to the Kirk hall for 10 am. A really warm welcome awaits with songs,crafts, a wee prayer, lots of fun and tea and coffee too. No church connection needed at all. Hope to see you there. No cost.   Please contact St Michael's Church office for further info, Tel: 842188.




Journey in Stained Glass

Ever wondered about the stained-glass windows in St Michael's? "The Power of The Spirit" is a 15 min journey through the windows of the Church, exploring the colour and purpose of God's creation. The video is showing in the Sanctuary as part of our Open Church. You can also view it here.


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