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Linlithgow Churches

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Welcome to the website for the Linlithgow Churches. There are links from this page to individual websites for each church in the group. 

The mission of each of the churches in Linlithgow is to proclaim the Christian faith, and to encourage its members in living out their faith in their daily lives.

Representatives from each of the churches meet together twice a year, at the Linlithgow Church Forum,  to discuss joint events and how we can help and encourage each other in our service of Christ. The Forum aims to support the Ministers, Pastors and Priests  and to facilitate  the churches in working together as much as possible.


On the local projects page, you'll find details of just a few areas in which the local churches are active in the community.

The What's On page gives details of forthcoming events supported by the local churches.

Regular ecumenical events include the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  (18 - 25th January each year), World Day of Prayer Services (first Friday in March) Holy week services (the week leading up to Easter Sunday) an Inter-church barbecue in August, a joint Advent Carol Service, and carol singing at Christmas.


 Linlithgow and Avon Valley Church 

The Church of Scotland is celebrating the union of Avonbridge Parish Church of Scotland, 

Torphichen Kirk,

St Michael's Church 

and  St Ninian’s Craigmailen Church,  Linlithgow, becoming Linlithgow and Avon Valley Parish Church.

Worship will continue in all 4 church buildings and most of our activities will continue as normal.

For the Linlithgow Churches facebook page, go to

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St John's Church

Please note the new address and phone number for the church office, Low Port Centre  07863 390228

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